2015年6月8日 星期一

《進擊的巨人》Attack on Titan 8月13日於香港上映!

全球發行5000+冊 日本新銳漫畫家諫山創成名巨著震撼映畫化

今年8月,全球發行5000多萬本的日本漫畫《進擊的巨人》 (Attack on Titan) 真人電影即將於緊隨日本轟動上映,自首條前導預告在3月公佈以來引起各方熱烈關注及評論,YouTube點擊率及Facebook瀏覽率均極速突破300萬。電影版雲集三浦春馬長谷川博己水原希子本郷奏多三浦貴大櫻庭奈奈美Pierre 石原里美國村隼等強大主演陣容,加上漫畫原作者諫山創親自擔當角色設計監修,再配合《二十世紀少年》、《新世紀福音戰士》、《寄生獸》等日本科幻巨製班底打造令人難而忘懷的巨人世界,將捲起另一股「巨人」旋風!

Japan, present day. The sudden arrival of the Titans—mysterious, gigantic humanoid creatures who devour human beings one after the other—brings mankind to the brink of extinction.

Fast-forward more than 100 years later. What remains of the human population now live in relative peace behind massive walls that were erected to defend themselves against the Titans. Yet once again, that peace is shattered when a Titan measuring over 50 meters tall smashes through the wall, allowing a horde of other Titans to enter.

The protagonist, Eren, had been resigned to a life confined behind these walls. Nothing I do would make a difference, he thought. But when he joins the “Outer Wall Restoration Team” set up to fight against the Titans, he is reunited with Mikasa, a childhood friend and someone he had long rued not being able to save. The new recruits embark on a mission to obtain explosives, which had become rare and precious, before getting past the waves of Titans to plug the gaping hole in the wall, with humanity’s survival on the line. Will there be a future for Eren and Mikasa, and for mankind itself?

Title: Attack on Titan
Release Date: August 13

