2015年6月29日 星期一

《捉妖記》 7月16日上映

很久以前,人與萬物共存,當中也包括妖。 但人想獨佔天下,於是人向妖宣戰,把他們趕進了深山大澤,從此人和妖劃界而治。 一天,一對神祕夫婦(曾志偉、吳君如 分飾)與懷有小妖王的妖后逃到永寧村,遇上了善良的天蔭(井柏然 飾)以及降妖少女、二錢天師小嵐(白百何 飾),天蔭更陰差陽錯下成為「孕夫」誕下小妖王胡巴。 葛千戶(鍾漢良 飾)重金懸賞小妖王。 小嵐為了得到賞金,硬拉著天蔭離開永寧村展開了一段奇幻旅程,途中遭遇大押店老闆娘(湯唯 飾)、廚子天師(姚晨 飾)等各路人物。 可愛的小妖王胡巴出生,令天蔭和小嵐關係起了奇妙變化,同時也揭發了一個重大秘密......

In a fantasy world far, far away, monsters ruled the earth. Then came human’s all-out war in an attempt to seize the land. They eventually succeeded in driving the monsters into the dark mountains. Ever since, the two races have lived in their separate worlds, until now. The monster world writhes in chaos as the dark lord plots to overthrow the throne by ordering the assassination of the pregnant monster queen, forcing her to take refuge in the human world. During the deadly pursuit, the dim-witted Tianyin (Jing Boran) is caught up in the middle. In order to save her heir, the dying monster queen spills her egg into Tianyin’s mouth, making him the bearer of the future monster king. Now the most wanted man, Tianyin and the newborn monster’s lives are at stake. Miraculously, rookie monster hunter Xiaonan (Bai Baihe) saves the day. She offers to protect Tianyin under the condition that they sell the newborn monster for a good profit. Who would have thought, the fate of the human and monster races would lie in their hands. Do they have what it takes to confront the danger ahead?

