2015年6月20日 星期六

《兒凶 第三回》 7月23日上映

《兒凶》(Insidious)系列首兩集創下全美票房佳績後,當中兩位靈魂人物—導演溫子仁及編劇利雲紐這對鬼才拍檔今年再次聯手出動,挑戰恐怖新極限!《兒凶 第三回》將回到恐怖的源頭,故事設定在發生林拔一家靈異事件之前。這一集由利雲紐編、導、演一手包辦,溫子仁出任監製,暑假即將「寒氣」逼人!

少女琪琪 (史提芬妮史葛 飾) 因掛念其亡母,於是向靈媒依麗絲(林沙燁 飾)求助,希望嘗試跟媽媽「接觸」,依麗絲面對著對靈體極為敏感的琪琪,想給予幫助,但過去某些牽絆令她不敢貿然出手。後來琪琪遇上意外,被迫在家休養期間卻受到不明襲擊,一切原來皆因她錯誤召喚了惡靈!琪琪父親辛恩 (狄莫梅朗尼 飾) 唯有跪求依麗絲出手救其愛女。依麗絲最終首肯,與她兩名年青拍檔拓加 (安格斯森遜 飾) 及史碧斯 (利雲紐 飾) 披甲上陣,闖進陰森靈異空間……面對噬魂厲鬼,依麗絲一眾誓要守護琪琪的靈魂!

Insidious: Chapter 3, the new movie in the terrifying horror series, is written and directed by franchise co-creator Leigh Whannell. The film is set years before the haunting of the Lambert family, and Elise’s battles with spirits from The Further, in Insidious and Insidious: Chapter 2. In the prequel, teenaged aspiring actress Quinn Brenner (Stefanie Scott) senses that her late mother is trying to contact her, and seeks out a gifted psychic – Elise.

Elise feels protective of sensitive Quinn, but tragedy in Elise’s past has left her reluctant to use her abilities. Soon a shocking accident leaves Quinn recuperating at home, as her widowed father Sean (Dermot Mulroney) struggles to hold his family together. Then Quinn is attacked in her bedroom by a malevolent supernatural entity, and Sean pleads with Elise to help. Wrestling with her faith and sense of purpose, Elise summons her powers to contact the dead – with support from two new acquaintances, unlicensed parapsychologists Tucker (Angus Sampson) and Specs (Leigh Whannell).

Forced to venture deep into The Further to protect Quinn, Elise soon finds herself facing off against the most ruthless enemy she has ever encountered: a demon with an insatiable craving for human souls.

