2015年4月14日 星期二




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《念念》(Murmur of the Hearts)張艾嘉導演繼《心動》及《20 30 40》後睽違10年最令人感動的電影。港台演出陣容強勁包括《被偷走的那五年》台灣人氣型男張孝全、久休復出重返影壇的梁洛施、《翻滾吧!阿信金馬提名實力男星宇綸及金像金馬影后李心潔,四人的首次合作細膩地交織出一個關於愛和家的動人故事電影主要於台灣拍攝並特別於台灣第四大附屬綠島取景,捕捉島嶼海岸壯麗唯美景色呈現戲中,豐富的情感配上海天一色的畫面,帶來了心靈與視覺上的雙重享受。

Opening Film of The 39th Hong Kong International Film Festival


The past makes who we are now and what we will be. One’s growth is often impeded by childhood experiences. To march forward, sometimes we need to release the burden that we’ve been carried for years.
Nang, Mei, and Hsiang, living their everyday lives, however are doubtful stepping into the future. Every now and then, pieces of happenings from the past flash back. Whether it is regret, or remorse, they have no way to let go…

They do not realize that, outside the real world, at the other end of the string, there is existence of “other being”. It originates from the past, affects the present, and influences the future.
Perhaps, it, can be the answer and cure of everything.
Thereafter, destiny has arranged an opportunity for them to meet with it.

