2015年8月6日 星期四


香港國際電影節協會欣然宣佈2014 HAF電影計劃《悲兮魔獸》(前《塵》),入圍角逐本屆威尼斯影展金獅獎,第72屆威尼斯影展將於2015年9月2日至9月12日於意大利舉行。

《悲兮魔獸》由趙亮編導,彭綺華及Sylvie BLUM監製。《悲兮魔獸》是寫內蒙草原上,由於煤和塵,四個為了生活來自不同地區、不同身份的人被命運之神聯繫到一起。背井離鄉的農民工長期在礦區受嚴重粉塵污染的環境勞動和生活。微小的塵土駐進工人的肺部,有些人更罹患塵肺病。當他們再也無法承受繁重的體力勞動時,便只能回到家鄉,默默忍受塵肺病的折磨。很多人悄然離世,留下債務和痛苦給家人。同時,喪失大量青壯年勞動力也是社會的巨大損失。


HKIFFS 總監高思雅出任威尼斯影展“新銳導演獎”評審

此外,威尼斯影展亦公佈今年大會各獎項的評審委員名單。其中,“新銳導演獎” (“Luigi De Laurentiis” Venice Award) 的評審委員包括香港國際電影節協會總監高思雅 (Roger GARCIA)、法國電影史家兼影評人娜塔莎羅倫 (Natacha LAURENT) 、美國獨立電影導演查爾斯賓納(Charles BURNETT)及墨西哥記者丹尼娜米修(Daniela MICHEL),並由意大利電影導演薩維里哥斯坦素 (Saverio COSTANZO)出任主席。

The Hong Kong International Film Festival Society is proud to announce that 2014 HAF Project Behemoth(previously known as Dust) has been selected for Competition at the 72nd Venice International Film Festival, which will run from 2nd to 12th September 2015 in Italy.Written and directed by ZHAO Liang, co-produced by PANG Yee-wah and Sylvie BLUM, Behemoth is a documentary about four miners from poorer regions, leaving their hometowns to make a living toiling away for long periods amidst the dust and pollution in the “ghost city” of Ordos, Inner Monogolia, a miniature economic bubble that exemplifies the contradictions and troubles of China’s rapid economic development and reveals the unimaginable things that men will do in such circumstances.

Roger GARCIA, Executive Director of HKIFFS will serve as jury member for “Luigi De Laurentiis” Venice Award for a Debut Film – Lion of the Future

In additional Venice-related news, the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society also announced that its executive director, Roger GARCIA will serve as jury member for the Venice International Film Festival’s prestigious first film award, the “Luigi De Laurentiis” Venice Award for a Debut Film – Lion of the Future. The jury is headed by Italian director Saverio COSTANZO, and along with GARCIA includes French film critic and historian Natacha LAURENT, American independent filmmaker Charles BURNETT and Mexican journalist Daniela MICHEL.

