2015年7月18日 星期六

《搖滾星媽》RICKI AND THE FLASH 9月3日於香港上映!

一個關於音樂與夢想的歷程,一個面對人生與家庭的選擇,一個屬於母親與兒女的故事,一個你從未見過的梅麗史翠普 (Meryl Streep)!今個秋天,荷里活超強勁實力班底沉默的羔羊》金像大導演祖南頓狄米 (Jonathan Demme)、《Juno少女孕記》金像編劇戴雅寶高迪 (Diablo Cody)、《老爆伴郎團》金像男配角奇雲格連 (Kevin Kline),以及三屆奧斯卡金像獎得主梅麗史翠普攜手打造《搖滾星媽》(Ricki and the Flash)。此外,梅麗史翠普與現實生活中的大女兒麥美甘瑪 (Mamie Gummer),則破天荒在戲中大鬥演技,過程既溫馨又感動,絕對值得期待!

故事講述Ricki (梅麗史翠普 年輕時為了追逐夢想,不惜拋棄家庭前往加州發展搖滾歌唱事業。多年後,適逢大女兒 (麥美甘瑪 遭遇婚變,次子又即將成婚,應前夫邀請Ricki終於回家,此時她開始發現自己想做回一位好母親……面對再一次夢想與家庭之間的抉擇,到底她能否重建早已疏遠的親子關係


RICKI AND THE FLASH” Opens on September 3!

Three-time Academy Award® winner Meryl Streep goes electric and takes on a whole new gig - a hard-rocking singer/guitarist - for Oscar®-winning director Jonathan Demme and Academy Award®-winning screenwriter Diablo Cody in the uplifting comedy Ricki and the Flash. In a film loaded with music and live performance, Streep stars as Ricki, a guitar heroine who gave up everything for her dream of rock-and-roll stardom, but is now returning home to make things right with her family. Streep stars opposite her real-life daughter Mamie Gummer, who plays her fictional daughter; Rick Springfield, who takes on the role of a Flash member in love with Ricki; and Kevin Kline, who portrays Ricki's long-suffering ex-husband.

Title: Ricki and the Flash
Release Date: September 3

