2015年7月27日 星期一

《幸福魔天倫》 8.20公映

橫掃威尼斯影展5大獎項包括最佳男、女主角的劇力之作《幸福魔天倫》(Hungry Hearts),由《凡事哈》《紐約叻女》兩度艾美獎提名男星 阿當戴華(Adam Driver) 及《私情.狂》意大利影后 艾芭羅華察(Alba Rohrwacher) 傾情演繹,各地影評大力推崇,英國傳媒The Telegraph評為:「引人入勝、驚慄懸疑劇情片!」 美國電影網Indiewire激讚:「驚慄程度媲美波蘭斯基和希治閣!」到底一對年輕夫婦對於養育幼兒,可以有多大分歧?本片820公映

Adam DriverAlba Rohrwacher齊獲威尼斯影帝影后殊榮矚目作。Jude意大利女孩Mina因一場廁所奇遇結識,兩人瞬間陷入熱戀、懷孕、結婚。這段平凡的紐約愛情故事,卻因新生命來臨而蒙上陰影。Mina憑母親第六感和神婆預言,認定自己懷有超能力小孩,她執迷純素飲食、信守身體淨化,用盡其極「保護」愛子免受外界污染。Jude本來百般忍耐,但眼見孩子沒有正常發育,他對Mina的瘋狂舉動也到達崩潰邊緣。夫妻不斷為保存小生命拉鋸,猜忌、怨憤、恐懼也逐漸粉碎他們的愛與信任。愛情結晶來臨,最終將促使二人凝聚還是步向自毀?權威電影網站Indiewire激讚本片「驚慄程度媲美波蘭斯基和希治閣」!
導演 : 沙維里奧高斯坦祖
演員 : 阿當戴華艾芭洛華芝
片長 : 112 分鐘 級數 : IIB語言 : 英語意大利語 (中英文字幕)
上映戲院:PALACE ifc / 百老匯電影中心

Jude is American, Mina is Italian. They meet by chance in New York City. A whirlwind romance ensues - they get married and she becomes pregnant. From the early months of pregnancy, a strong motherly instinct signals to Mina that she is bearing a special child. In order to respect nature, she obsessively protects him from the contamination of the outside world and struggles to preserve his total purity. Jude, for the love of Mina, follows her lead, but only up to the point when he faces a terrible truth: his son is not growing and his life is in danger. A pervasive battle of suspicions and resentments begins between Jude and Mina which, in a desperate search for a solution, leads to an emotional showdown. Adam Driver and Alba Rohrwacher both won Volpi Cup Awards for Best Actor and Actress at Venice Film Festival. 

