2015年3月13日 星期五

經典拍檔再創 最新愛情喜劇《愛情第二創作》

《冧歌有情人》導演麥羅倫斯最新浪漫喜劇,再次找來曉格蘭特Hugh Grant演出過氣才子。15年前勇奪金像獎最佳編劇的Keith(曉格蘭特 飾)人又DRY、貨又冇、老婆又劈腿;無奈離開荷里活,接受山卡拉大學編劇班教授一職。一心諗住hea住教的他,一到埗,即偷嗒索女學生,點知賤咀唔收,得罪咗平機主席老虔婆,為保飯碗決心同索女斬纜,發奮教書…兼老吹!漸得學生信任的同時,更被超齡單親靚媽學生(瑪莉莎湯美 飾)激發,再創第二人生戀愛重新出發…片中有多位強勁配角助陣,爆出連環笑位,包括新鮮出爐奧斯卡最佳男配角《鼓動真我》J.K.西蒙斯。

經典拍檔再創 最新愛情喜劇《愛情第二創作》THE REWRITE 4月9日字作多情

Once upon a time, Keith Michaels (Hugh Grant - About a Boy, Love Actually) was an Award-winning Hollywood screenwriter, but divorce and a string of unsuccessful films have left him with nothing but bad debts and blank pages. So when his agent arranges a job as guest screenwriting professor at a remote university in upstate New York, a desperate Keith can't say no. Initially hoping to give minimal effort to actual teaching so he can focus on his next script, Keith unexpectedly finds himself becoming invested in his students lives, including Holly (Marisa Tomei, The Wrestler), a single mom looking to start her own new chapter. The Rewrite features an all-star cast, including J.K. Simmons (Whiplash), Allison Janney ("Mom"), Chris Elliott (Groundhog Day) and Bella Heathcote (Pride and Prejudice and Zombies).

